By C/AB Outar Adam
March’s cadet of the month in the spotlight is Cadet Airman Basic Peguero, a sophomore and a first year cadet in the AFJROTC program. She is the Flight Sergeant to Alpha Flight meaning she helps the Flight Commander leading the class in things such as during drill and inspection. Her proudest achievement in the program besides becoming a Flight Sergeant is her model rocketry badge that she earned by attending the Model Rocketry Club.
When asked why she joined the program Cadet Peguero gave an unexpected response. She did not actually ask to be put in the program. In her freshman year she thought about joining as she was curious about pursuing a military career but was apprehensive. During the beginning of this year when Cadet Peguero found out that she had been put in AFJROTC she felt annoyed and nervous but as she got experienced with the program and saw how it was her type of program her opinion changed.
Cadet Peguero favorite part of the AFJROTC program is PT Friday. She even hopes to become a PT commander in the program. After highschool though she plans on working for the Air Force for a few years possibly as a pilot and then becoming a commercial pilot. Cadet Pegueros biggest inspiration is Cadet Major Rajesh. Cadet Rajesh was the one who offered her the Flight Sergeant position and is always there to help her when she feels confused.
A tip for other cadets from Cadet Peguero is to learn how to wake up early as a major part of AFJROTC is simply being on time. Due to Cadet Peguero outstanding performance that has not gone unnoticed she has been chosen as Cadet of the Month for March.