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  • Writer's pictureDickinsonian Rams

Park Near Campus!

By: Osama Gayed

As Juniors and Seniors continue to successfully pass their permit and road exams the amount of DHS students on the road continues to increase. Many are unaware of their parking opportunities. Although our campus does not hold enough capacity to safely allow students to park on campus, you don’t have to go too far.

Here’s how to park LEGALLY near campus without receiving a ticket.

  1. Go to your counselor and request a form of proof that you attend DHS.

  2. MAKE sure you have all your vehicle paperwork, your driver's license and/or proof of identification. (Bring your SSN with you just in case.)

  3. MAKE sure you have a form of payment; the permit will cost $15.

  4. Go to “Public Safety Headquarters Building” at 2 Jackson Sq, Jersey City, NJ 07305.

  5. When you get into the building let them know that you are there to get a parking permit.

  6. Fill out the required form given.

  7. Then you'll receive a small sticker (the permit) to put on your car so you can park in the Dickinson High School Zone without receiving a ticket--the nearest being Chestnut Ave!

We encourage students to arrive early and allow themselves time to park, observe alternate side street cleaning, walk and get on lines.

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